Tian's Homepage






site life


that other site

Here I basically just links friend's sites or any notable, useful, or interesting sites worth posting. If you're looking for funny sites and links though, you won't find any here. That's all reserved for the funnies section. I also linked my favorite webcomics here too. Enjoy.

Friend's Sites
The Lair of the Snapping Turtle - An old friend's website. He hosts some of my art.
Alright so maybe I don't have too many friends...

Useful or Interesting Websites
APA Community Should Tell Shaquille O’Neal to ‘Come down to Chinatown. - An article about Shaq's racial slurs.
The Call of Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft - A short horror story that's not my style but a cult classic.
Dragid.com - A vast archive of animated anime and gaming AIM Buddy Icons. You'll find what you're looking for.
J-List - A very interesting site consisting entirely of peculiar Japanese products you won't find outside of Japan.
Online Conversion - Convert anything into anything online.
30 Worst Atrocities of the 20th Century - Statistics for all the major war atrocities of the twentieth century.

8-bit Theater - Hilarious 3-day/week strip about, but not limited to, classic Final Fantasy.
Chopping Block - Sporadically updated, very dark strip about a serial killer. For black comedy fans such as myself.
MacHall - Stylishly drawn, occaisionally hilarious, 2-day/week, strip mostly for gamers but with some anime thrown in.
Megatokyo - Undoubtedly my favorite series! Very well drawn 3-day series for gamers but mostly otakus.
Penny Arcade - If you haven't already heard about this webcomic, go away. Far far away.
Real Life - A mediocre 5-day/week strip/series for otakus but mostly gamers.
RPG World - A hilarious 3-day/week series mostly about console RPG cliches. Some very light-hearted humor.
Tsunami Channel - My second favorite webcomic! An extremely well drawn series for otakus or Dating Sim fans.