teasing and insecurity
[First I'd just like to note that I wrote this a long time ago. Infact I wrote it way back in middleschool in 8th grade. At that time my homepage was very different. If any references are unfamiliar then they can be attributed to changes in other parts of my site. For some reason this rant has managed to survive little alteration. Also as I said, this was written when I was in middleschool. Try to imagine how life was and how immature people were back then. Although I thought this applied to everyone at the time that I wrote this, a lot has changed since then. I'm still only in highschool but I've already begun to realize that this doesn't apply to everyone as I thought it did. It still applies to an overwhelming majority, for my entire lifetime it probably will always apply to a majority, but nonetheless the humankind is not as evil as I thought it was. Also I'd like to note that in my life before writing this, a lot of people whom I had considered friends had suddenly turned and ditched me cause I wasn't cool enough. So naturally, I was rather traumatized and this expresses my hate and frustration.]
Some of you people out there may laugh at me for talking about a topic such as this. Especially those shallow idiots I politely asked to leave at the front of my homepage. If you have no intelligence nor depth then you don't belong here. All idiots are good for are funny, or atleast stupid, quotes. For example take Theodore Bisbicos. I know for a fact that his exact comments for a conversation topic like this would probably go along the lines of, "The stupid fat nerd can't take a joke that pussy. Bitch. AAAARGH!" Now there are several reasons why that statement is ever-so wrong. For one thing I don't think I have to even begin to comment about the the "bitch" and "AAAARGH!" part. That's all just some of Theodore's insanity. No wait, sorry, that's wrong. That's just some of Theodore's stupidity being expressed. Now for the rest of that statement, two boys in Colorado killed 15 people because some people were 'just kidding'. It's obviously a lot more important than most people make it out to be.
The most important thing I must say is that there are little to no cases of truly 'just kidding'. People insult each other either because they want to hurt each other (such as Theo and I), scare each other (trash talk in a basketball or whatever you prefer), or most commonly out of insecurity. Now everyone says that they personally just insult others just because it's funny. Well it's not just because it's funny. Nearly everyone is acting under insecurity.
People most commonly insult each other because it is a way they can prove to their peers that they're dominant in a little school society. Confused? Perhaps we should enter this in more detail. When one child insults another they make their victim appear as comical and amusing to his/her peers. This thus in turn makes him/her appear dominant over his victim and thus rises his/her position in the minds of his/her peers. Basically you're downsizing someone else just to make yourself seem better. It's simply for social gain and nothing more. Infact it's rather successful as well. By downsizing everyone else one is basically making a strong statement that runs along the lines of "I am #1". And since everyone loves to associate with Mr #1, Mr #1 becomes instantly popular. Also know as, accepted by society.
Of course no one actually plans all this ou. I don't think most kids understand society and human nature so well that they'd be able to make such a plan. I don't think any kids are so scheming either. However that's what really happens through their minds. It seems to be an inherent method of fitting in among a society. In other words it's subconcious. They belittle others because they themselves are so insecure about what their own peers think about him/her. They're worried about if they're getting any respect from their classmates. They're not evil or wicked in any way. They're simply being human.
By being human we are each born with this desire to be accepted by others and society. It's know to Freudians as the Super-Ego. It is the pysche within each of us that always wants to fit in with society. By being human we are subject to this force and thus we each force ourselves to fit in with society. As I mentioned before, some people try to force themselves into society by downsizing others. Of course not all people do this but a rather large majority does. It's also one of the more immature ways to progress in society. As people grow older and develop some sensitivity, they realize that downsizing others really isn't a nice thing to do. Infact it's rather mean, and who wants be around a big irritating meany?
As time passes on and children age, so does the plot thicken. The people who were once insecure eventually become popular and as time wears on their position in society is solidified. Also as time wears on the shy people who were once victims become aggressive. However by now they're position in society has been solidified so firmly that no one cares or listens. So then one a nerd ridicules someone popular, people call them mean. However when someone popular insults someone who's not, it's suddenly ever-so funny.
This all of course applies to little children. It has been my observation of young children that this entire essay has based on. Everyone insults another all throughout their lives. As I mentioned before, it's part of human nature. Even I do it all the time. I insult other all the time on my homepage even. It's very acceptable, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. I can promise you that everyone does this. True, it's an immature thing to do but it doesn't make you immature if you do it all throughout your life. It's just how much, how thoroughly, and how pathetically.
Now in conclusion why do people insult each other? To confirm themselves a high position within their society by making other people look worse than they do. So now what should be done about his? There's not much you can do. People will insult people even if they read this or not. It must simply be read. Many will not accept this and will simply regard it as a nerd's retaliation against popular people. Some will accept and have an epiphany much like my own. My ideas aren't new, just not widespread. Some people will grow from reading this, some won't. If this has all been too convincing that the only way to be popular is to insult others, that statement is wrong. Never insulting everyone just to be popular. It's a mean thing to do and if you're already unpopular, it's ineffective. Simply being a nice person will make you popular, of course with a little or a lot of luck. It'll eventually happen in the long run. If it doesn't, you know what all the jokes are about and you suddenly won't feel so bad not to be among them. So then what happened in Columbine? If people keep insulting people then it'll happen again. All that can really be done is to hope that it won't happen again. However then you'll get your hopes up. It will happen again, it's inevitable. Shallow people will always exist.