Rude Bastard
Just this afternoon I had the most interesting encounter with a passer-by-er on a bicycle. However, as with all my rants, I shall first go through some tedious unneccessary preparatory descriptions before I get to the actual point, which would really only take a few sentences. Anyways it was this afternoon in which the event took place. School had ended a short while ago and I was leaving school a little later than everyone else. However despite that, many cars were still passing by me as I walked home. However there weren't really that many. They did not create a long unbreakable queue along the road as cars would in gridlock. Rather the road was really quite spacious. However as for the sidewalk, upon which I was walking, was completely vacant except for the presence of myself. Most people who walked home were already way ahead of me, but I digress.
The point is is that I was heading home from school a little late and I was virtually alone minus a couple cars. Anyways as I continue along my path, this cyclist, or bicyclist if you prefer, turns off of a road and starts coming in my general direction on the other side of the street. In other words, he was on the other side of the street heading in the opposite direction I was. In even simpler words, he was passing by. Now exactly why he was heading toward, as opposed to away from, the school, I'm not exactly sure, but yet again, I digress.
As he approaches closer, I see his face and I feel as though I recognize it. I thought he was someone from my Bio class last year. School had just begun the previous week and I hadn't seen a lot of people from my old classes in a year. I continued staring at him to get a closer look. However upon closer inspection, I realized he just looked similar and wasn't the person I was thinking of. Thus I look away and continue heading down my predestined path.
What came next was completely unexpected. As the cyclist, as I shall call him from this point on, passed by he yelled, and I quote, "What the fuck you lookin' at faggot!" Stunned is really the only way to explain my reaction. Actually I didn't portray much of any expression. I simply stood there motionless and perplexed. In other words I was stunned, as I have already clearly described.
If you have read any of my other rants, I'm sure my position on homosexuality is already very clear. I'm all for gay rights and I'm against anyone who's not. And I really really hate the word fag/faggot. Whenever I hear that said, which really isn't very often considering how I live in a very liberal town, I feel a little bit pissed.
However a little bit pissed is not all that I felt. That only begins to describe my mood at the moment. I felt really pissed. Mainly because this cyclist was one hell of a rude bastard. I don't even know the guy, even though for a few seconds I thought I did, and yet he feels the neccessity to yell "What the fuck you lookin' at faggot!" when I look in his general direction for a short moment. I can't believe anyone is so paranoid and insecure as to have to yell such profanities as he passes by strangers. I'd be really funny if he cycled in front of some awe-inspiring sight being admired by a large crowd and, being the person that he is, felt the need to say "What the fuck you lookin' at faggot!" at each member of the crowd. I think it'd be his hell if he were put on wide display in some place. Personally I'd find it hilarious.
But really this guy is one hell of a f-cking rude bastard. I've never been so pissed off by a complete stranger before. I didn't even know anybody would ever react to simple eye-contact in such a hostile fashion. I mean this guy must have had the worst morning of his life to be so damn touchy. He must have had his body vicisouly gang-raped or something to be so tempermental, and not to mention homophobic. Of course all this lead me to thinking of reasons to answer why he would be so damn hostile. My initial reasoning was that he was just really really homophobic. Quite a widespread problem in our society. My reasoning was that he was so homophobic that when he sees a guy staring at him, he immediately assumes that that guy is checking him out. That would really explain his entire reaction. Why he seemed to be so enraged and why he felt it neccessary to use both f-words. However despite what, if any, logical reasons he had behind his reaction, it was still f-cking rude.
Anyways now for the moral of the day. Ettiquette rule #245: When another person is looking in your general direction, don't yell "What the fuck you lookin' at faggot!" It's not nice.