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update on grades and more stuff...

I say I'm going to rant more often and then I don't. Infact this rant isn't even going to be a very long rant nor is it going to be very focussed like any of my other rants. I'm not even sure if the nature of this rant would even constitute as a rant under traditional diatribing values and customs. Hell I'm still going to call it a rant merely for the sake of my consistency.

Anyways first up is grades. I know some of you may or may not have read my last rant (it was the latter right?) but to update you all since that last rant, yes I'm still doing sucky in math and english and no I never was nor am doing bad in physics. Turned out I got an A- on that physics test I thought I flunked which is really good and I'm really happy with it. I've chilled down a bit since then and managed to be a little happier with the help of some friends and some drugs (oh chill out I'm only referring to Caffeine and alcohol). My math still sucks though.

Since the last rant a multitude of things have been on my mind but none was so urgent and pressing that it was necessary to rant about. That and I haven't had enough time to what with my math grade and all. So yeah you haven't been seeing me much, you won't be seeing me much, and heck you're not even seeing much of me right now. Neither has my comic. Well I'm trying as hard as I can to keep things updated but until I seriously get some time let me just give you a quick brief summary of things that have been on my mind:

1) GRADES have been on my mind big time. Thus the all caps and bold.
2) Girls, they're always on my mind no matter what the situation. As usualy I've been fluctuating in and out of my own brand of misogyny (especially against one particular person who I won't mention because there's always that slight one-in-a-million chance that she might read this) but that's another rant for another time.
3) Friends. I know sounds really corny and really out of character but I've just been doing a lot lately.
4) Final Fantasy X, I finally beat the damn game. It's been hard to play in between everything. Very awesome game by the way. It's funny how a game that everyone thought would ruin the series turned out to be one of the best.
5) The Ring, it was very scary and everyone should go see it. It made me avoid TVs for a good amount of time.
6) Pain, played football with my friends resulting in great soreness and pain.
7) Jackass, I wanted to see it so bad but missed my chance.

And yeah, that's about it.