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the geek's malaise

I'm an asian-american highschool student with an above average intelligence, a significant problem with obesity and I have an interest in video games, computers, and anime. I could say much more about myself but does it fucking matter? You already know every fucking thing about me... Why bother talking to me?

That's just how I've felt about things recently. It seems as thought no matter who I am, in the eyes of everyone else I will always just be some geek. To everyone else, I will always be nothing more than a perverted social-retard. To them I am just some hollow cell whose life revolves around nerdy interests and has little actual meaning or thought.

I'll admit that in many ways I do fit the typical archetype of a nerd. I am obese and I do have an interest in technology, gaming and anime. However despite those that, in many ways I am not a nerd. I have a bit of an artsy side and a political side. I'm into indie rock and I'm a novice film buff and an ardent extremist liberal. Religiously I'm literally an atheist though I like to define myself as a Universal Unitarian or a secular humanist. I've actually created for myself my own definition of reality as a clever rendition of existentionalism with a heavy foundation on my own definition of fate. I don't really believe in fate but I believe in science and order which creates "fate". I'm also very interested in pyschology and especially Freud's jor principle.

Yeah I could go on and on about myself and the things I'm into. I could always go into more and more depth but for now I'll refrain from all that. My point is, despite everything about myself, none of it matters because I'm into computers, games, and anime. It's really quite depressing.

This applies to much more people besides myself of course. There are tons of people who are into games, computers, and anime and all those people are different. There are no two people in the world who are exactly the same and I'm sure all those people face the same problems I do. There's so much to every single one of us yet none of it fucking matters.

There's a word for this and it's called prejudice. Yes, that's right, prejudice does apply to more than just race. Prejudice really means just as the word appears, to pre-judge. To judge someone before really meeting them. As humans it's natural that we all do this, but it's really a question of extent. Unfortunately for those in highschool such as myself, prejudice often goes to very far extents.

This affects "nerds" such as myself more than any other type of people. We are by far the most ostracized group in our highschool society. Mainstream media even involves or pokes fun at the ridiculousness of the extremity of social stratification in highschool. It seriously is very stupid and any outsider of system knows that and laughs at us. Yet so many people live and adhere by it, which makes it all the more ridiculous and hilarious. Just think of teen movies. There's a reason why only teens enjoy movies like that.

The seclusion of nerds is really one part of highschool society that I hate more than anything else. All other groups of people look at each other as different. Not necessarily as good or bad but just different. However with nerds the consistency fails. Unlike other groups, nerds are seen as having some sort of disease. Many of my friends try to get me into "hip" things as though they're curing me of a disease. When they hear I'm into some techno or rap song they hail that moment as grace from god (or a god). I find this extremely offensive and I instantly regret speaking to them. Even my fellow nerds renounce their interests in their strive to become accepted. Nerds are not only prejudiced, but ostracized as well.

However I shouldn't be so harsh. Truth is, it's totally fair to categorize people in highschool. Being young and stupid, we fit ourselves into categories by our own free will. Since we're all insecure teens, we all alter ourselves to fit into some wider group so that we will be accepted. We become like a generalized image instead of becoming like our own person. As a result we literally beg to be categorized. So for my age group, it's fair to categorize and generalize but it's still unfair how nerds are despised. Well not like much can be done about that anyways.

Personally I do what I want to do. I honestly like computers, gaming and anime because I like it. I also like indie rock and film because I like. I see others as different from myself and I try to evaluate people on standards such as kindness and generosity. Unfortunately most of my fellow pupils don't follow my example. I seriously can not wait untill I get the fuck out of highschool.

...And yeah, that's about it.