Tian's Homepage






site life


that other site

It's all about me, me, me!!!

This page is really just my own cynically titled version of an "about me" page. They're quite ubiquitous across the internet, my site being no exception. Even I collapse under the pressure of egotism that inflicts all of us. Is there actually anyone out there who can resist publicly addressing their own issues thinking people actually give a damn? Of course there are, I'm just not one of them.

Now I'll start off with a description about myself that people actually do care about. I'm an asian-american highschool student with an above average intelligence, a significant problem with obesity and I have an interest in video games, computers, and anime. I could say much much more about myself, but as I said, this is the part that people actually care about. Now since you know not to talk to me, I think my job here is done.

With introductions aside (and most of my audience as well) I'll now proceed on to talk about myself for my own amusement. My life is like most other lives. Like everyone else, my life falls under the most typical, generic and ambiguous description of life possible. In other words, my life sucks. It sucks indeed.

Everything I mentioned before is absolutely true. I guess that goes to explain much of how my life sucks (it sucks indeed). Like anyone who has a situation similar to mine, I am ostracized from most of society and most of the benefits of life as well. For example, I have never had a girlfriend in my entire life. Although I suppose that means little to many of you since I'm still only a teenager but I'm sure that means a lot to many of my fellow teenagers. As they see it, I am what is defined as a la-who-a-zer (loser for mature audiences).

Despite my many griefs for being among the persecuted, I am actually very comfortable with myself. I do not want to fit in and I would never ever want to fit in. The very foudation of my character differes from the main stream and I would never ever want to sacrifice my character, integrity, and dignity for the sake of fitting in. Unlike many others, I realize that highschool will one day be one very insignificant period in my lifetime (As long as I don't totally fuck up my future that is. Knowing my classes and grades, that's not happening)

And now I grow weary of typing. This is to be continued.