Tian's Homepage






site life


that other site

site life

To be completely honest, I'm utterly baffled behind the true reason why this particular page in my site exists. I'm sure I had something in mind when I first created this page but now I'm just completely lost. I have absolutely no idea what the hell I'm supposed to do with this page now. I can't get rid of it either cause then I'd have to go around deleting all the little links that go to whatever the hell I was planning to put here. Not only do I have absolutely no idea where all those links are, but I'm sure there's a massive abundance of them as well. It'd be much easier to have a page full o' crap than going around deleting those links. Being the person I am, I take the easy way out.

Judging by the title of this page, I think I planned on putting updates here. If not listing updates then I probably planned on presenting the history of Tian's Homepage here. It's a long, extensive, and extraordinarily boring documentation of something ridiculously insignificant so now I've decided not to put it here. On the other hand, updates are always ignored and therefore good. Oh yeah and miscellaneous crap too. You got to have miscellaneous crap somewhere. Life just isn't right without it.

Anyways without further ado... The crap that used to be on Tian's Homepage:

Taken Off 06/03/03:The wonderful world of www.despair.com
Recently I've found this site very morally comforting. I've been really depressed lately so it's nice to have a site like this to make me laugh. (Well, laugh in my own twisted, cynical way.) A site like this is really great to remind all the depressed people out there that the world truly does suck and those who are happy with it, are insane or stupid. I really should buy one of their calendars sometime so I can remin myself everyday.

Taken Off 03/15/03: Does Santa Really Exist?
This was actually a huge scientific analysis of the existence of Santa Claus. Since it was so enormous, I'm not stupid enough to post it again here, but I've easily found a link that contains the same text. If you read here or there, whatever. Some text was different but it's pretty much all the same.

Taken Off 12/12/02: Ramadan Styled Noodles.
If you do not know what Ramadan is, go here.
If you do not know what noodles are, slap yourself across the face exactly five times.
If you've already seen a similar link like this before, yes it's a different dish.
If you have been poisoned by the recent blind nationalism that has been sweeping across America to the point where you immediately associate anything having to do with arabs with terrorism, then slap yourself across the face exactly ten times.